

Old Patterns, New Ways

Work is a place where we frequently play out old patterns of thinking and behavior in new ways. This is not something to be ashamed of. We’re all shaped by our past and our environment, and we apply the things we’ve learned until they don’t work anymore. Sometimes, we apply them well past their expiration date.

Work is a place where we frequently play out old patterns of thinking and behavior in new ways.

This is not something to be ashamed of. We’re all shaped by our past and our environment, and we apply the things we’ve learned until they don’t work anymore. Sometimes, we apply them well past their expiration date.

But there’s beauty in this because whether you’re in the office or remote, work provides a constant opportunity for us to evaluate our patterns and evolve if we need to. With a little self-reflection, every problem you solve, interaction you have, and mistake you make is an opportunity to learn about what works and what doesn’t – about what you want to keep and what you want to change.

Some common old patterns that show up in the workplace:

👮🏾 Relationship with authority – typically either defiant or deferential

😰 Anxiety/avoidance

🔲 Black and white thinking

🪄 Perfectionism / procrastination

😒 Defensiveness

🚫 Lack of trust/high need for control

➿ Poor boundaries

We each have our own unique combination of thinking and behavior patterns.

Not all are bad - some are likely highly positive and the key to your success. But even positive aspects applied in one situation might not work for another.

The point is that we spend about 1/3 of our lives at work, giving us plenty of opportunities to evaluate what’s going well, learn from what’s not, change, and grow. You might even notice some real relief and healing from exchanging things that aren’t working for new and better ways.

➡ Think about your work – what patterns are showing up for you?

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